Methods for the determination of possible damage(Green BOOK)CPR 16E
Methods for the determination of possible damage(Green BOOK)CPR 16E

Methods for the determination of possible damage(Green BOOK)CPR 16E

The so-called “Green Book” hereby presented contains a number of models, the extend and limitations of which are determined by: on one side, the knowledge about the effect-damage relations which is available and, on the other side, the budget limitations for the development of this book. In a number of cases, die knowledge available, from a strictly scientific point of view, was not sufficiently adequate to provide a back-up for the models presented in the book. An example of this is the use of data about toxicity, in the effect-damage models. On the basis of suggestions provided by the researches concerning the models to be applied, and pending more information, an agreement has been readied, within the CPR (Committee for the Prevention of Disasters),regarding the modelling which is presently applicable. In general, this present book about damage models must be considered as one corresponding to the time period of the investigations. Even when it was ready to be printed, some new results of investigations became available which, in turn, permitted to provide a better understanding of some of the subjects in question. This, for example, applies to models for “toxic combustion products” and to models for “damage caused by explosions”.



